Teacher : Mrs. Koyama 


Thank you for visiting our homepage. I’m very happy that you are interested in Japan and this site.

I am a Japanese language teacher who completed the Japanese language teacher training course and graduated from the Japanese Culture Course at the Faculty of International Relations at a university.

The online school’s name “Niko Niko” means smiling and having fun. Currently, children from 7 years old to adults are studying Japanese for various purposes with Niko Niko Japanese. Many of my students continue to study together for a long time, and I value each one of them as if they were family and friends. Therefore, I started “Niko Niko Japanese” not only to teach them Japanese, but also to provide them with cultural experiences and value that go beyond education. I want to provide a fun atmosphere that makes learning easy and leaves students smiling.

Also, I value supporting learning, not just teaching a class. After class, I give homework to review. Also, after class, students will fill out a class report and create a list of new vocabulary. It helps you learn. You can share Google Docs and Sheets and write on them yourself. By creating a shared notebook, you can refer back to things like grammar or vocabulary when you forget. I support your long-term learning.

♢Completion of Japanese language teacher training course

High school Japanese language teacher license

Bachelor of International Relations

Niko Niko Members


<Self Introduction>

Like: cooking, food, music, handmade, nature

To viewers: こんにちは!かなです。 私(わたし)は京都(きょうと)に住(す)んでいます。 料理(りょうり)が好(す)きで、最近(さいきん)は娘(むすめ)とお鍋(なべ)でご飯(はん)を炊(た)くのにはまっています。 フリートークを通(とお)して、日本を身近(みじか)に感(かん)じてほしいし、あなたの国のことも教(おし)えてほしいです。 好(す)きなことを日本語で話すことで、日本語を楽(たの)しく学(まな)べるのではないかと思(おも)っています。ぜひあなたの好きなこと、たくさん教えてください! お会(あ)いできるのを楽(たの)しみにしています♪


<Self Introduction>


To viewers:皆(みな)さんの興味(きょうみ)のある話題(わだい)などをメインに、一緒(いっしょ)に楽(たの)しく勉強(べんきょう)しましょう。


<Self Introduction>


To viewers:

They are Japanese people who are mainly in charge of free talk. Even if you are learning Japanese, you probably won’t have many opportunities to speak with Japanese people. Of course you can practice conversation for traveling or business, but we also want you to use the Japanese you have learned and feel the joy of speaking. Many of them live in Japan, so it would be a good opportunity to ask them about their life in Japan. It would also be interesting to hear about the latest trends in anime and music.